Sunday 12 June 2016

Half Term, Birthday and Exams!


It's been a while, hasn't it? Sorry for not being that active on my blog, there was a few problems I needed to sort out, its fine now. 
So about a week and a half go, HALF TERMS STARTED WHOOOOOOO!!!!!!! My cousins from Chicago came over as well and we had loads of good times. It was also my BIRFDAYYY YAYYYY!!! Then after half terms we had exams. Exam week was soooo stressful! Carry on readingggg..

Half term
As I said, half term was great. Apart from all the revising I had to do for exams the week after. That was boring. But the rest was fun :). We had loads of badminton tournaments in our garden, trampolining competitions to see who could jump higher, went to London to exhibit the Britishness to show our American cousins that its awesome! :) We went to Madame Tussauds as well which was great :D I took loads of pics with Zalfie and 1D lmao ;)
I might put them on my Instagram account (lifeallstar) to show all you guys :)

IT WAS MA BIRTHDAY IN HALF TERM AS WELL WOOHOOOO!!! We all went to a trampolining park with ma besties :) It was great fun, especially the foam pitt! The one bad thing that happened was that someone pushed me really hard on the balance beam ( you basically push each other with big green things and you are supposed to land in the foam) so I fell off the balance beam and instead of landing on the foam, landing on the hard floor :( Ouchhh! I managed to sprain my wrist...great. I'm okay now though haha. Still a good day though ;) Presents included; makeup, accessories, nail stuff, Lush products (lemme know if you want a blog post on them), a best friend necklace (the kind that has 2 halves), a phone case, and a H&M and Amazon gift voucher :) yayyyy

EXAMS WAS SO FRICKIN STRESSFUL!!!! At school it was literally, exam, revise, revise, exam, revise, exam and hometime. Talk about a varied timetable :/ FOR A WEEK AS WELL!! Damn, I was so happy once they were over, no more studying yayyyy!! I binge-watched YouTube as soon as they were over haha :) (especially Marky butt butt lmao) I'm so happy that its over though :)

Thanks for reading this kinda long blog post, I hope you enjoyed it and please comment below! I love reading them!
Also, I was wondering if I should start a YouTube channel again? lemme know in comments pleaseee xx

Love Ya guys,
LifeAllStar xxx

Tuesday 9 February 2016

Christmas, New Year, And Something I Want To Say.

What's up?

So I know it has been absolutely agessssss since I last did a fact, it was in 2015! Which reminds me, Happy (Belated) New Year And Merry (Belated) Christmas! How did your celebrations go? Let me know in the comments!


Christmas, for me, was uhhh-mayyy-ZING! Me and my brother ran downstairs as soon as we woke up, and guess where we went straight to? That's right, the tree! We ripped open our prezzies, I got Zoella's beauty range, while my bro got an Avengers watch and Lego set! We were both pleased ;D Later on, we went to one of our friends house and FEASTED OUR FACES.....! Ahhhh.....there is nothing like traditional turkey and roast potatoes! And loads of other stuff. Overall, Christmas was Fantabulous!!!

 New Year

ITS 2016!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! A new year, a new me. Thats what everyone says. I didn't make any resolutions, (naughty me) did you? If you did, comment down below what they are! But yeah, all the usual. Fireworks, screaming, parties, staying up the night....etc.. ;)


 I want to talk about friendship and my blog. Lately, me and my friends have been having a lot of arguments over little things, and its really been getting to me. I have made friends now again with most of them, but am yet to resolve it with one. I don't know, just silly little things, and she has been avoiding me and I don't know why. Has this happened to you? Let me know in the comments. If you have advice, please tell me it. This is the whole reason I started a blog, to tell people my emotions and make other people happy. Ok, I should stop this soppy talk now. Happy Stuff! Unicorns, cupcakes, marshmallows, rainbows, colourful sprinkles, sweets! Is that better? But really, on a serious note, I chose to write this blog, and I love it. <3

Thank you all so much for reading this incredibly long post, hope I haven't written too much mushy stuff! It's because of you guys I started this blog, and because of you guys I continue writing it. :)

Loads of Love,
LifeAllStar Xxxx

Thursday 17 December 2015

'It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas...'

Ho ho ho, and welcome back to my blog!

Phew! December is going past in a blink! I am soooo ready for Christmas! :)

Put your Christmas tree up? Check. In the process of eating Advent calender chocolates? Check. Wishlist sent off to 'Santa'? Check. Oh yes, indeed I am getting into the festive mood! ;)

Christmas day for me will be awesome. Early morning will be Present time ( I asked for Zoella's beauty range), then off to a close friends house for fun and games and food. Then heading back home for dreaming about what I will buy at Lush on their Boxing Day sale. I am rather looking forward to it! ;)

This week, as I am involved in our schools singers' club, I had to perform our carol not one, not two, but three times to our school and parents. I guess you could say I am losing my voice slightly..  :/

Missing my best friend too, who has managed to bunk off school and disappear to India (miss you, Kit Kat). I envy her.

So, have you guys been watching #24DaysOfZoella ?? By golly, I have. And there is nothing quite like it. #Vlogmas has been fun to watch too. Double Zoe everyday. *content sigh*

I am afraid I have to round it off here, sorry for disappearing for so long and coming back with such a short post. 

Comment about your Christmas and tell me whether you are looking forward to it or not. If you don't celebrate, comment anyway. I like reading random things. ;)

The person in a festive mood,
LifeAllStar Xxx

Sunday 29 November 2015

Fun Times With Your Loved Ones!!

Hiiiii Guys,

You might think it is weird I am doing so many post all of a sudden, but there is a lot happening which I think should be blogged about. 
First of all, my dear best friend came round. We had bucketfuls, no, swimming pools, of fun!! Here is what we did in a simple list. ;)

  1. First we played with my cute pet gerbils, I will include a pic here. 
    My adorbz gerbz. Snowy (right) and Sandy (left). How do you like them? Let me know in the comments!
  2. Next, we went up to my room and did blind makeovers. Not a good idea. Well, it probably was because we laughed so much our jaws ached from laughter, but we ended up looking like idiots. Who cares though. (Our parents.) I would include pics but can't because of anonymity.
  3. We removed the (dreadful) makeup, and gave each other proper makeovers. I did well on her, but the eyelashes kinda ruined it.(If you are reading this, best friend, sorry. :P) Oh well. She did my makeup too, and the eyeliner started looking like a tadpole's tail. I stole the eyeliner halfway through and coloured my lips in with it. At least it made my teeth look white. We took hundreds of manic selfies. I looked half demented, because I also drew a smiley face on my nose. she looked okay, but I made silly faces. A 45 minutes of my life well spent.
  4. We again removed the makeup, and started choreographing a dance to Jess Glyne's 'Hold My Hand'. We tried multiple times to record it successfully, unsuccessfully. I kept messing up the moves (accidentally on purpose) and she just generally started being silly at the end. Fun though. And hilarious. We laughed until that crying-laughing, snorting, stomach-cramping, jaw-aching  stage. Golden times.
  5. We then had a heart to heart conversation about people we generally don't like, and a few moan and groans about our lives. I then let out my biggest secret, one I hadn't told anyone. I now trust you, dear friend (if you are reading this) to keep this. OR ELSE!

Follow to stay tuned!

Love from an excited
LifeAllStar xxxxxxx

Saturday 28 November 2015

Making Your Room Pretty!

Hello and welcome back to my blog,

Sorry I haven't done a post in absolutely ages..! A lot has happened since the last time I wrote a blog post. One especially major thing is that.. I have moved house. Not all the way to Australia, I assure you. Yep, I am still in the UK. But then again, I still moved house. And it was hectic. And tiring. Anyway, forget about what I am going on about. Let's have some fun. You know where I am heading...FOR THE BEDROOM! Now, here's some ideas on prettifying your bedroom! 

If you share a room, ask the other person(s) for permission if you can alter up the room. This is important. You do NOT want your head dunked into a pot of light purple halfway through painting the walls. So take my advice.

1. Your Walls.
There are a lot of the things you can do to a room, but the most obvious thing is the walls. Paint them, decorate them, wallpaper them, cover them in posters in Zoella, ( this obviously is not me..*cough cough*) yup, the possibilities are endless. (its a phrase, they aren't actually). The walls can TOTALLY transform an average room.

2. Lighting.
Now to tackle the lighting. This can completely change the atmosphere of your room. If you want a gentle glow, nothing too bright, go for a lamp. Or fairy lights, of course. (My entire room is covered in them, you can probably guess I love them. They are magical.) If you want a more steady, bright light, get a proper lightbulb and a nice If you know what I mean. (You probably don't, but oh well.)

3. Theme.
Now you have the essentials sorted out, its time for things to get fun around here! My current theme of bedroom is sky blue and white, (walls are blue, furniture is white, oh, and my fairy lights match it :P) but you can have it any colour(s) you want/need!! Yeah Baby! ;)

4. Bedding.
I quite like the idea of changing your bedding every season. For example, in Winter, Christmas bedding!! Oooohhhh yes! In Spring, flowers and cute animals like chicks and lambs and bunnies!!!!!!!! Ok, I should stop now, getting too excited haha.

5. Other Awesome Ideas.
I have a lot of them. A whiteboard, to remind to of important notices.(Like when my homework is due in :/ ) A selfie wall! Decorate a bit of your wall the best you can, and take selfies with it! YESSSS!!! If you're stuck, head on over to Pinterest and find some other ideas.

Thank you for reading this blog post, and if you do make changes to your room, upload it to Instagram with the hashtag #lifeallstarsroomideas I love seeing what you guys did!


Sunday 8 November 2015

October Favourites!


How are you all doing? I am doing well, very well indeed. Especially since November just started! YAY! (I always like the start of a new month. Anyone else? Okay just me then) 

Here are some things I have been lovin' this past month. 
Real Techniques Expert Face Brush
Real Techniques Blush Brush
Real Techniques Buffing Brush
Real Techniques Contour Brush
Mac Brush 217
Ecotools Eye Shadow Brushes 
Maybelline Super Stay Foundation
Collection Lasting Perfection concealer (surprise surprise)
Rimmel Stay Matte Powder
Maybelline The Nudes Eyeshadow Pallette
NYX Liquid Suede Lipsticks
Rimmel Kate Lipstick in 107 (my fave!)

The whole Origins range!! (love em all)
Nivea Light Moisturising and Cleansing Lotion
No 7 Gentle Toner

Zoella (even though she's always been my favourite)
Life With A Sprinkle Of Glitter (nice, and by one of my favourite YouTubers)
Girl Online On Tour (It released this month, what do you expect?!)
Home Decorating Mags and Things (we are moving soon)
Yankee Candles (again, love all of them)

Thanks for reading this post, lemme know what your fave makeup product/skincare product/general stuff is in the comments! 

LifeAllStar xxx

Saturday 31 October 2015

Happy Halloween!

Heya Guys,

Happy Halloween! Today is the 31st of October, and oh my I couldn't be more excited! 
How do you celebrate Halloween? Whether you be excitedly knocking on all the doors of your neighbourhood in the rampage to find sweets, or you sit quietly at home making Halloween Dubsmashes. Everyone deserves a bit of fun, especially on the spookiest night of the year! ( I go for a bit of everything, trick or treating, making Dubsmashes, and carving pumpkins the night before which results in pumpkin guts and seeds all over my hand.) What will you dress up as? I will be a corpse bride, with my 4 year old brother a dead pirate. Scary! 

Alternatively, if celebrating Halloween isn't for you, why not order in a pizza, invite some friends over, and watch a scary movie. My idea of a perfect night!

This is my pumpkin; I call it 'Bob the Pumpkin'.

(Ignore the Flora butter in the background)

Thanks for reading this blog post.

Enjoy Halloween, however you celebrate it!

LifeAllStar xxx